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  • Search our open support forum at http://forum.factorycode.com
  • For business critical support we can offer 24/7 phone support in english and swedish through partners. Please contact us for details.

Factorycode - contact information

Ideon, Lund, Sweden.

Visiting address

Join Business & Technology, Ole Romers vag 13, Ideon, Lund, Sweden

Factorycode operates from the Alfa-building at the Ideon Science Park, in the city of Lund, Sweden. Visitors should call us in advance for guiding directions as there are three entrances into the building as well as three Alfa-buildings and four receptions. As a first time visitor, please bring your mobile phone and have our phone number with you. You will not be the first to call us and ask for the exact car-park, entrance and elevator.



office +46 46 288 4514

mobile +46 733 320196


Electronic contact

Spamfilters might interfere with your message. Please call us if you have not received a response within two days.

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For urgent 24/7 phone support, see details in your support agreement.

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