Unlimited number of tests, minimal memory footprint and on real hardware with your real target software. This is how it works:
Test written in the language C are extracted from your source code based on selectable keywords. Each test thus becomes an individual C-file.
- Test compilation and linking
The extracted tests are compiled and linked against the real target software running on your hardware.
Finally the tests are downloaded to your running target and the StateMaster module that resides there. StateMaster will execute the test while your target software continues running as normal. Once a test is finished it will be replaced with the next test.
Reports are generated that will fit the IDE's error parser, i.e. double click on the error and you will see the sourcefile with the failed error. SpecRunner also reports anomalities with return values making it suitable for automated scripted builds.
SpecRunner is currently available for these compilers and CPU's:
Keil - C166
Contact us for details, suggestions and development for other systems.